Elektronische Laborbücher

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Web resources

Scientific literature


  • Dirnagl, Ulrich, and Ingo Przesdzing. “A Pocket Guide to Electronic Laboratory Notebooks in the Academic Life Sciences.” F1000Research, 2016. 10.12688/f1000research.7628.1
  • Franke, Michael, Jalal Weraach, and Markus Haarländer. “Elektronische Laborbücher in Der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft,” 2017. 10.17617/1.5t
  • Nussbeck, Sara Y., Philipp Weil, Julia Menzel, Bartlomiej Marzec, Kai Lorberg, and Blanche Schwappach. “The Laboratory Notebook in the 21st Century: The Electronic Laboratory Notebook Would Enhance Good Scientific Practice and Increase Research Productivity.” EMBO Reports 15(6) 631–34 2014. 10.15252/embr.201338358
  • Steensel, Bas van. “Scientific Honesty and Publicly Shared Lab Notebooks: Sharing Lab Notebooks along with Publication Would Increase Transparency and Help to Improve Honesty When Reporting Results.” EMBO Reports, e46866, 2018. 10.15252/embr.201846866
  • Taylor, Keith T. “The Status of Electronic Laboratory Notebooks for Chemistry and Biology.” Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development 9(3), 348–53, 2006. [6]

Specific solutions

  • Beato, Brian, April Pisek, Jessica White, Timothy Grever, Brian Engel, Michael Pugh, Michael Schneider, Barbara Carel, Laurel Branstrator, and Ronald Shoup. “Going Paperless: Implementing an Electronic Laboratory Notebook in a Bioanalytical Laboratory.” Bioanalysis 3(13), 1457–70, 2011. 10.4155/bio.11.117
  • Fakas, Georgios John, Anh Vu Nguyen, and Denis Gillet. “The Electronic Laboratory Journal: A Collaborative and Cooperative Learning Environment for Web-Based Experimentation.” Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 14(3) 189–216, 2005. 10.1007/s10606-005-3272-3
  • Johannes, Paul C., Jan Potthoff, Alexander Roßnagel, Bernhard Neumair, Moaaz Madiesh, and Siegfried Hackel. Beweissicheres elektronisches Laborbuch: Anforderungen, Konzepte und Umsetzung zur langfristigen, beweiswerterhaltenden Archivierung elektronischer Forschungsdaten und -dokumentation. Auflage: 1. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013. ISBN 978-3-8487-0706-5
  • Kotov, Serhii, Pierre Tremouilhac, Nicole Jung, and Stefan Bräse. “Chemotion-ELN Part 2: Adaption of an Embedded Ketcher Editor to Advanced Research Applications.” Journal of Cheminformatics 10(1) 38, 2018. 10.1186/s13321-018-0292-9

Mailing lists

In Germany exist at least two ELN Mailing lists: